Saturday, May 3, 2014

Planning Blog 3: Case study 1 Local Planning in NSW – Queanbeyan

The seminar that looked at local planning in Qeanbeyan was done in thorough detail by the presenters; they even went out to Queanbeyan and interviewed residents about the local plan. There were three key points that they discussed that intrigued me and they were transport in the area, heritage and what the residents thought of the plan.
Firstly they discussed how Queanbeyan is a car orientated town and that it has a high commuter rate, low local employment and a suburban lifestyle which make it perfect for cars. In the plan it suggested not for new and innovative public transport ideas for the township but more commuter corridors for the residents such as the Edwin Land Parkway that connects both Jerrabomberra to Queanbeyan. There seems to be a need to rethink the transport planning in the town.

Edwin Land Parkway (Google Maps 2014)


Heritage was another intriguing point that was discussed during the seminar. Thirty locations are listed on the heritage list in Queanbeayan. Though one of the great things that Queanbeyan is planning in their Development Control Plan is integration between heritage and new development. For example there is a plan for Furlong House built in the1850s to be revitalised, so it can be used in the 21st century as well as keeping its historic heritage (Hanna, Adkins & Ellis 2014). 
The interviews of the actual residents was very intriguing because it gave a very personal feel of what the residents felt about their town. There was actually one interview that could not be shown because the resident did not want to speak out against the council. Showing that there are issues between residents and council about planning in the town. Other residents also talked about the lack of public transport in the area, making it a struggle to get into the city of Canberra (Hanna 2014). This seminar was very interesting and I discovered new things about Queanbeyan that I did not before.





Google Maps, (2014). Edwin Land Parkway. [image] Available at: [Accessed 10 Apr. 2014].

Hanna, B., Adkins, A. and Ellis, M. (2014). Local Planning in NSW:. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Apr. 2014].

Hanna, B. (2014). Queanbeyan Day Trip. [image] Available at: [Accessed 13 Apr. 2014].



  1. How do you think the transport issue can be addressed?

  2. I agree with you about the transport issues there needs to be more of a focus of integrating Canberra and Queanbeyan's public transport to make it more frequent and affordable and more of a focus on bike and pedestrian paths over roads.

  3. Queanbeyans transport infrastructure seemed to be an extremely sensitive issue amongst locals as far as I can remember. If you watched our video you will also see the noise level on the main business strip is far too loud.

  4. I think there really needs to be a discussion between the ACT government and Queanbeyan about making transport much more accessible.
