Saturday, May 3, 2014

Planning Blog 2: Summary of Planning System in Australia

The planning system in Australia is a fundamental part of the creation of well-designed urban spaces in Australia. The planning system in Australia is based on the different levels of government that can be found in Australia. The Planning system is dependent on the tiers of government from Federal Government, to State Government and then too Local Government. This hierarchal system of planning in Australia allows for different concentrations on differing issues (UNSWTV 2010). For example the federal system of planning looks at holistic planning concepts for Australia, while the local system has plans that a part of the local area. An example of major commonwealth plan is the National Urban Policy. This sets out goals for the entirety of Australia that relate to sustainability, liability and productivity, important concepts when considering a plan.


The interesting system that Australia uses for planning means that different levels of planning authorities and governments need to work together. Such as the states with the federal government. This is usually done through the Council of Australian Governments (COAG). Though one of the most interesting systems that was found in the readings was the dual system of planning found in Canberra. Canberra is planned by two different categories the National Capital Authority (NCA) and the Australian Capital Territory Planning and Land Authority (ACTPLA). The NCA has control over certain areas that have importance in the national capital such the Parliamentary triangle and major thoroughfares in and out of Canberra. ACTPLA controls the rest of the territory (Pitts & Miller n.d.). Both authorities have to work to together when plans intertwine between both organisations. This means that both authorities communicate and work together in some situations to create plans. The Planning system in Australia is an interesting and somewhat complex system that helps to create an ideal urban environment in Australia




Pitts, J. and Miller, K. (n.d.). Planning, a dual challenge. 1st ed. pp.12-24.

UNSWTV, (2010). Utzon Lecture Series: Robert Freestone. [video] Available at:
 [Accessed 7 Apr. 2014].


  1. What is the important role as a local planner?

  2. I think it really is to have an idea of what an area needs to help it thrive in the future. Whether that's better infrastructure, more public spaces or ever better transport. The local planner needs to have a depth of knowledge of the area.
